Apex Legends one of the popular free-to-play hero battle royale games developed by Respawn Entertainment, an American video game studio, and published by Electronic Arts. 2019 February witnessed the release of this exuberant game in Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One and in March 2021 it was released in Nintendo Switch. The specialty of this game is that this game supports cross-platform play. The same science fiction universe in Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall series can be seen in this game also. A mobile version of the game which is specially designed for touchscreens titled Apex Legends Mobile has also been announced which is expected to release in 2022. Now, this Apex Legends comes with a great implementation. Respawn puts a full stop to the long wait of the players of Apex Legends for the face reveals of Octane, one of the legends of the apex. Octane being one of only two fully masked Legends in Apex, the community carried a question,” what ‘The Adrenaline Junkie’ looks like beneath his mask and goggles? “, always in their mind. Anyway, Pathfinder’s Quest Book release has finally given players the long-awaited face reveal they’ve been asking for.
The name Octane means top speed, and as you can see that word itself talks much about him cause’ he looks like a speedy daredevil. Let’s have a look at his background.
One day, Octavio Silva, Octane, was bored. In fact, on most of the days of his life, he remained bored. He was Heir to the preoccupied CEOs of Silva Pharmaceuticals and he wanted nothing in his life. The main entertainment in his life was performing death-defying stunts and posting holovids of them for his fans to gawk over. So, on this day, he decided to set the course record for a Pilot Gauntlet by launching himself across the finish line by using a grenade.
Many hours later, as he was laying in triage, the doctors informed him that the damage done to his legs meant his daredevil days were over. But that didn’t sit well with Octavio, who turned to an old friend for help: Ajay Che, whom he guilted into forging an order to replace his legs with bionic ones. Suddenly able to repair his limbs at a moment’s notice, Octavio decided petty online stunts weren’t enough. At this moment, the Apex Games was calling him, which gave him an ultimate adrenaline rush. Now, he’s going to become an Apex Champion doing the most incredible, death-defying, and terrific moves that anyone has ever seen. Maybe in the arena, he won’t be so bored, let’s hope.
Our legend is a depository of a huge number of abilities and skills…
If we talk about his abilities, it will include:
Tactical Ability: Stim
Octane’s Stim allows him for a high-speed sprint, great for pushing an enemy or disengaging from a fight. It comes at a cost though, it takes away some of your HP.
Passive Ability: Swift Mend
Another superficial power Octane has is that he can regenerate health automatically. He can gain two healths every second.
Ultimate Ability: LaunchPad
The ultimate ability of Octane includes: toss down a jump pad, which will propel everyone who steps on it into the air. While in the air, you can double jump, and whatever direction you are facing before a double jump will be the direction you go towards.
Heirloom: Butterfly Knife
As his heirloom Octane has a Butterfly Knife. His one side possesses a knife flowing with a serum he uses for Stim and a syringe is visible on the other side.
Those who have ever played Apex Legends and met Octane know that this energetic daredevil wears a green and black mask that completely covers his face. This gave the fellow players to speculate about his eye color, hair, and face texture, but now Respawn has finally posted a photo of Octane without his mask, ending up the millions of questions the players had in their mind on this topic.
The Pathfinder’s Quest book provides the picture of the Legend. On February 2nd it was published.
Though the Pathfinder’s Quest lore book naturally center’s around everyone’s favorite friendly robot, it is expected that some other Legends may also get some additional lore if this Octane reveal is anything to go off of. Ever since after the revelation of Octavio in season 1, back in 2019, fans have been wondering what the Legend looked like under his face mask and goggles. It is amazing to see that he looks like a perfectly normal person, despite what some would be lead to believe by his over-the-top voice lines and wacky personality. However, his lime-green hair that matches his original color scheme, suits the Legend perfectly.
It’s also noteworthy giving some kudos to the Apex Legends art team for making Octane’s face believable while matching his eccentric personality. Octavio’s ardent fans will notice his chipped tooth, the scar on his left nostril, and even the mask marks around his eyes from constant use. Its little imperfections and details, such as those giving life to a character, really lend to Octane being a death-defying daredevil. Hopefully, the Pathfinder’s Quest book is filled with even more extra bits of lore as amazing and surprising as Octane’s face reveal
The reception for the reveal was mixed but the majority agrees that Respawn nailed Octane’s appearance. For some, the inclusion of subtle imperfections in his facial features has made him a more believable and realistic character.
“He looks great! I love the little imperfections, they make it look more believable and human “stated one user. Another player even exclaimed that he was exactly as he had imagined: “Just like I’m imagining a crazy adrenaline rush like him.”
At the end of the day, as every character’s face shows, you won’t be able to please everyone. Fortunately, Respawn’s design of Octane’s face seems to have been received by the community wholeheartedly. Now the prevailing question is when it is Bloodhound’s turn to take off the mask.
Octane is as young as 24 years old.
The abilities that Octane possesses are derived from Titanfall 2’s Stim tactical ability, which provided both healing and speed. His backstory was inspired by the way players and they would speedrun The Pilot’s Gauntlet using grenades for speed boosts. Octane’s reveal trailer contains a link to the world record run of 12 seconds by player CashMayo, and the Record Breaker loading screen shows “11.7” in the background, the current world record.
Octane was teased with several Launch Pads placed around the outside of the Market before being added to the game.
The curious fact about Octane is that he has a dialysis machine on his belt that filters his blood. This is why he can take stims so frequently and recover in this universe.
The tattoo on Octane’s left arm has the Latin phrase “Plus Ultra” that holds the meaning “Further beyond”. In addition to that, he also says “Non-terrae plus ultra” when dropping from the dropship, which means “No land further beyond”.
The latter phrase originated from the supposed inscription on the “Pillars of Hercules” (the location of which lies somewhere near modern-day Gibraltar) which delineated the then known world, signifying that there is nothing beyond it but danger. The former phrase is the motto of the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain Charles V, which is a boast signifying he intends to take the risk and conquer the world beyond the seas.
Octane had the option of waiting for his legs to heal up, but he bravely chose to instead have his legs replaced with robotic ones.
Octane’s legs are made of platinum, referred to by Octane when you reach Platinum IV in ranked saying, “Platinum rank to match my legs!”
Octane could be addicted to his Stim, with his constant twitching in the in-game lobby and his use of the stim without apparent usage in trailers and teasers.
In the final excerpt for the S7 quest posted on the official Apex Legends Twitter, we discover the name of Octavio’s father: Duardo Silva
All are now happy to see the face of their Legend’s face after a long wait. Many are contented with this but many remain with dissatisfaction as their imagination does not levels up with the original face. It seems that the fan base of Octavio has increased after his face revelation. Now the fans of other legends Revenant, Mirage, Bloodhound, and Wraith are eagerly waiting for their facial revelation. Let us expect it soon